SpokeChoiceGetting StartedUsing the Easy View

Using the Easy View

The Easy View was designed for:

  1. Administrators - to quickly examine settings for people in their company.
  2. Therapists - to use as the default home page and use exclusively throughout their day.


The Easy View contains a subset of feature sections based on your current Role. The chart below shows which features are available to each role. In addition, please note that the available sections are only displayed when relevant to the role(s) of the selected person. For example, the Payers section is only available for Clients.

Section Provider Therapists Guardians Admins
Profile x x x x

ISP x x x x
Progress x x x x
Authorizations x x x x



Section Buttons

On large screens, a set of section buttons. Clicking a button will expand and scroll to a section. The blue bar on the right-side of the button indicates the section is expanded. Clicking on a button again will collapse the section.


Easy View features several icons that perform specific actions as shown below. Please note that not all icons/features are available for all user roles.

The header contains the following:

  • Unscheduled Clock-in. (Only available if the setting to allow therapist or provider to Clock-In without an appointment.)
  • The < icon allows you to go back to the previous person viewed.
  • The > icon allows you to go to the next person viewed (after going back).
  • The home icon switches to the App Home.
  • The drop-down list is used to switch to a different person. People can be found by typing part of their first name, last name, or email address.

The pencil icon displayed on a few of the section headers allows editing of certain data within that section.

The + icon displayed on a few of the section headers allows adding data to the section.

Some of the section grids have an Actions column that has action icons associated with each row. These icons may not always exist and when they do, it indicates that action is available for the row.

  • Pencil Action - Edit the associated item.
  • Eyeball Action - View the associated item.
  • Plus Action - Add the item displayed.
  • Trash Can Action - Delete the associated item.
  • Play Action - Clock-In to the associated appointment. Note that the appointments with green date background are for the current date.
  • Signature - Sign the associated item.


The Profile section displays various information about the selected person. Click on links to other people in the section to view their information. Click on phone numbers to dial them (if on a device that supports making phone calls).

Using this view you may select a client to see all providers assigned to the client. Click on the provider name link to switch the view to that provider. The < and > icons at the top of the Easy View screen go back or forward to a previous user.

When on a device that can make phone calls you may click on a phone number link to dial that number.


The Payers section displays the list of Health Plans or payers associated with a selected client.


The ISP section displays the Individual Service Plan(s) for a selected client. The Daily and Weekly max columns display the maximum number of hours for each billing code.


The Goals section displays all unmastered goals for the selected client. This allows for viewing/editing the goals.

Do not confuse these goals with the Progress section which displays the goal progress notes related to each visit.


The Progress section displays the progress notes associated with each visit. The progress note type is determined by the service code of each visit at which point a note form for the appropriate goals is displayed.

The eye icon on note rows is used to view the progress report for the note in the row.

The signature icon on the note is visible when the user is a Therapist and a S.O.A.P. note created by a Therapist Assistant needs to be signed.

Use the plus icon on the Progress section to add a new progress note with associated visit. This will open the Forgot Clock-In/Out wizard that is used to create a visit with an associated progress note.
Remember: Progress & S.O.A.P notes must be associated with a visit.


The Appointments section displays the appointments for the current date and a few days before and after the current date. Click on the eyeball icon to view the summary of the appointment. On the summary popup can be various icons (depending on scheduling rules) that allow you to edit, delete, resolve no-show for the appointment.


The Notes section allows you to create, edit, and delete notes for the selected person.


The Documents section displays document information related to the selected person. The purpose of this section is to view the selected person's documents and add required & missing documents.

The display includes:

  • Existing documents if the signed-in user is allowed to view or edit that document type.
  • Missing documents that are required by the selected person.

Note: Missing document types that are not required for the selected person will not display here.


The Expirations section allows you to view expiration dates for the selected person.


The Approvals section is displayed only for Guardians where they may approve & sign for services.

Note that this section is displayed once a client is selected and the section displays all services for all clients, not just the selected client.

Setting as Default Home Page

Admins may use settings in Back Office>Settings>General to make Easy View the default home page for Providers and/or Therapists. To avoid confusing these users, it is recommended to only do this after training them a out Easy View.