SpokeChoiceReportsOutputting a Single Progress Report

Outputting a Single Progress Report

If you would like to view the habilitation/progress report for one member you can do so by navigating to Reports-Progress

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  1. Type in the members name that you wish to generate
  2. Choose the month
  3. Select search
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Select share. Choose the output you would like

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When selecting download, a PDF will generate that you can save and email to the team.

For Progress reporting the PDF includes

Progress Summary- this is generated from all the comments made my provider(s) throughout the month


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Progress Percentage: this data shows the number of opportunities and percentage correct


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Progress Report Trial Data: this data will show each teaching strategy, calendar dates 1-31, number of Trials that occurred and measurement recorded by provider

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progress Graphs, visual for each goal with members progress throughout the month

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Functional Objective: These will state the functional objective and sub tasks as outlined in the Progress Management tab for the member.

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