SpokeChoiceProgress Management Creating Measurements

Creating Measurements

Creating measurements within SpokeChoice is one of the foremost important features with recording progress of goals. By creating a measurement you can control how providers will score results when trying to implement teaching strategies. It is VERY important to get this right and understand the process of creating measurements

A measurement has three parts

  1. Measurement Name - A name that helps you understand what the measurement is. It is used when admins create teaching strategies. Only Administrators can create measurements
  2. Billing Code - This is an optional place holder used to limit certain individuals from seeing particular measurements. For example if you have a therapist that should see only measurements associated with their license you would want to assign it.
  3. Measurement Values - These are the values that will be presented to the provider at the time of taking data measurements. Within Measurements values there are 3 values to understand

Enter a measurement that you or a therapist will understand when creating goals/teaching strategies.

Next select a billing code if you have therapists. Note: if you want all therapists types to see the measurement do not add a billing code.

Add Measurements

There are three values that need to be entered.

Note: you can create as many measurements values per the measurement.

  1. Rating Code - This is what the provider will see when they select the measurement value. We suggest using single letter codes like: Y,N or R,H,V,I.
  2. Rating Value - This is a linear value that you will assign to a measurement. Think of it as a point system. For example lets say you were creating a yes/No measurement. If the member did not perform the teaching strategy you would want the provider to select "N" for no. As such the member should score 0 points. If they selected Yes then you would want to award them 1 point. Note: Do not confuse this with Trials or number of trials, this is done when creating the teaching strategy.
  3. Tool Tip - This is a helper text that is presented to the provider when they select the rating code. For example if you created a Rating Code of "N" you would then add a tool tip of "No"

Lets show you an example. In this example we will create prompts to score the teaching strategy.

The above example you can see we've created 4 measurement values selecting the "new" button for each one.

  • R which stands for Refused
  • H which stand for Hand over hand
  • V which stands for Verbal
  • I which stand for independent.
  • Each of the above has a linear value assigned to them from 0 to 3.

Just the same you could create a measurement named "Distance". As such you could add 10 measurement values. Perhaps the first one is 10 for 10 feet. The next is 20 for 20 feet etc. Each with an incremental value from 1 - 10 or if they refused to throw you could add an "R" for refused at which it would be 0 points.

Any measurement can be created with its corresponding rating value.

  • Number of times
  • X number out of 10
  • Percentage from 10% to 100%.
  • Number of negative Occurrences
  • Number of verbal prompts
  • Duration
  • Number of positive Occurrences
  • Range of Motion
  • Number of visual cues
  • Distance
  • Repetitions

Be creative and attentive to members needs. It often isn't enough to add just + or - or yes or no. Often members try and have in between attempts that should be granularly recorded. Doing so can give more justice to the member to show attempts or little progress which is always helpful when renewing ISP and Authorizations.