SpokeChoiceRevision Notes1.5.4 May 18 2023

1.5.4 May 18 2023

This release completes the full Arizona Alternate EVV system requirements as of April 2023.


Scheduler - Added the following to adhere to state rules:

  • Added the ability to mark appointments as a no-show.
  • Appointment display has been updated to include no-show information.
  • Appointments may no longer be deleted once they are scheduled to begin.
  • Appointments may no longer be added or edited so they start in the past.
  • Limited appointments to 24 hours or less.
  • Claims that have an associated Quick Appointment, the calendar icon is purple as shown below. This is done so the administrator knows that by approving the claim they are approving the schedule created by the provider.
  • See online help at Learning Center>Help>Scheduling>Schedule Display for details on icon display.

Appointment Status:

  • Added links to Employees & Clients to view People 411 information.
  • Added command button mark appointments as a no-show.

Appointment No-Shows

  • Added new feature to view all no-show appointments for a pay period.

AutoVisit - Added the following to adhere to state rules:

  • Updated the Today's Appointments list to prevent clocking into an appointment after it is greater than 60 minutes late.
  • Added button to edit a missed appointment as a no-show.
  • Added ability to automatically update an appointment in the future to start at the current time. For example, if an appointment is set to start at 3:00pm and end at 4:00pm and it is currently 1:00pm, you may opt to change the appointment to start at 1:00pm and end at 2:00pm when you clock-in.
  • Added Quick Appointment feature when clocking in without an appointment. This feature is only available when the Back Office>Settings>AutoVisit setting for it is enabled and the selected client is not a live-in and the service requires EVV.
  • Disallowed changing client & service code when clocking in with a schedule. The EVV schedule must have a service code in it and that schedule is to perform that service. If a different service is to be performed then you must replace or edit the schedule .


  • Enhanced the appointment-assignment ability so appointments may be assigned to a claim if the provider clocked-in without the appointment.
  • Disallowed changing a claim day if the claim is associated with a schedule, already synced to Sandata or the claim was generated by AutoVisit. Doing this was causing claims to not be verified because of the way Sandata handles schedules.
  • Claims that have an associated Quick Appointment, the calendar icon is purple as shown below. This is done so the administrator knows that by approving the claim they are approving the schedule created by the provider.
  • When editing a claim with an associated appointment:
    • You may not change the date, Client, or Service. These values must match the schedule.
    • You may change the Start Time as long as it is not > 60 minutes after the associated appointment start. Otherwise that would make the visit late. If this type of change is needed, delete the visit and create a new one without the appointment.