SpokeChoiceTimecardsDisplay Needs Approval

Display Needs Approval

As you prepare to process payroll you will need to approve your time cards for the current pay period or any previous pay period.

As a super user or Back office you will see all employees, as a field supervisor you will only see the employees you are linked to

navigate to Home Care- Time card- under Mode Select Display Needs Approval

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From the Employee tab, drop down to select an employee to approve

You might see claims that need wet ink or some that need electronic signature, if your wet in enteries are on hand you can check only those claims and approve them. be sure to select 'wet ink signature in hand'

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once approved those claims will clear from your 'needs approval' screen

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When you approve all claims you will automatically be moved to the next time card needing approval.

Checking past pay periods

If you had late time cards you will want to check past pay periods

If there are no claims pending approval you will get an 'all caught up' notice

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Need to know what guardians still need to approve, be sure to install the 'waiting guardian approval' report for a quick reference on who to contact