SpokeChoiceService CodesCreating Service codes

Creating Service codes

Service codes are the heart of SpokeChoice.

A service code is something that is viewed either by a provider or admin when clocking in or adding time. Billing codes on the other hand are child members to a service code and are there to bill the payer when that service code is used. In addition payroll rates point to service codes and are particular to each provider and are set under the payroll tab.

There are many options to use/set when setting up a service code. Please make SURE you know what each options does before you check or set it. Failure to change or add something could result in billing not being recognized or denied.

To create service code navigate to backoffice-homecare-service Codes

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To edit an existing service code click the pencil Icon

To create a new service code click the "new" button at the upper right of the screen.

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First give the service code a name that will be displayed when either the provider is clocking in or the admin is adding time. Keep in mind this code should be short as mobile devices do not have a lot of room and any printing of the timecard might not be optimal.

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For purposes of this example we will create a sick time code. A sick time code is only used to pay payroll and therefore should not include the need to output a claim. As such a billing code will not be necessary.

We will select 12 for place of service, None for objective type, Hourly for input type, output payroll only and sick time code.

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Note: If you are modifying an existing sick time code make sure the "requires authorization" is not on the billing code as it might cause need for an authorization.

Hit the Add button when you are finished.

When successful you should immediately see your service code.

If you are creating a service code that will be billed and is a one to one relationship to hourly pay mark the output claim and enter a billing code.

Understanding how to create billing codes click here