SpokeChoiceBillingUnapprove Claim Entries

Unapprove Claim Entries

Sometimes it might be necessary to unapprove a timecard (claim) if some how something was approved incorrectly.

To do so navigate to Home Care>Billing then Ready to File (In the view)

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Indicate the start and end date you wish to find and hit search.

Next you will create a filter by selecting either a provider or a client.

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Select the client or provider to further reduce your claims.

One you have found the claim(s) you wish to unapprove hit the pencil icon.

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Next Hit the Unapprove button. A warning will ensue and you'll be ask to verify you are sure you want to do this. This claim will now be unpaid (if it was) and unapproved. Caution, obviously, should be taken here.