
Spokechoice includes a rich collections mechanism for managing insurance payments. It can be found by going to homecare-billing-collections.


It has many ways to search.

By Client

By Payer

All clients and payers (nothing selected on the payer or client pull down)

Days out, 30, 60, 90 or over 120.

By selecting your type of filter you can control what claims you are managing. For example: Perhaps you have united healthcare on the phone and you want to see all claims associated. Select the united healthcare payer and hit search. This will show you all outstanding claims from that insurance company.


Viewing outstanding claims.

If you want to see everything that is over 120 days for payment simple select the pull down for over 120 days and hit search.

You can unfold insurance companies to see all the claims for a particular company.

Note: If you want to group by a different column drag the grouping from the group box and add those you wish to group by.


A session is an event where you called the insurance company. During this process you can document who was contacted, any reference numbers given you by the insurance agent and any notes. You can tag and add notes to any claim by using the search mechanism.

To create a session click on the new session button at top right. This will start a new session. Fill out all the information including any claims you want to note that were discussed on the phone with the insurance agent.

Reminders: You can set yourself reminders to be sent by either message or email.

The system will send you an app message or email to remind you to do something...for example: Call back on a certain date to check on the status of a payment.

Once you are done with the session you can end the session and that will be saved for future reference.

Reviewing past session.

If you want to refresh your memory about past session use the session 411 button to see all of the past sessions. This is good for reviewing the last conversations you might have had with an insurance company so they don't give you the same run-around they did last time.

Select the session 411 button at top right to see past sessions.