SpokeChoiceAutoVisitAdding Valid Visit Locations

Adding Valid Visit Locations

A client valid visit location is a GPS location where a client may be visited. Administrators may use this feature to limit where a provider may clock into a client visit.

As long as it is viable to see your client at any location you can add as many locations as you please.

To do so navigate to people manager. Find the client and then edit the client fields.

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Under the EVV information section click on the New button

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Give the location a name that you and your provider will recognize and then hit the magnifying icon.

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Type in the address and hit search. This will display a map of the area around the address with a pin on the location.

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If you are satisfied with this location simply hit the green save button. If you want to move the pin in some direction different from where the map is indicating drag the red pin to another location. This is helpful for large apartment complexes where the address is different from the actual unit.

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On the next screen DO NOT forget to hit Add. If you do not hit this button the location you just entered will NOT be saved. Subsequently the form we started with, client fields, you must also hit save on that one as well or the location will not be saved.

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The location is ready to use as long as the provider refreshes their screen/app.