SpokeChoiceBillingGuardian Can not Sign Timecards

Guardian Can not Sign Timecards

You might be trying to approve timecards and suddenly you come across one that hasn't been signed by a guardian. You call them up and they report they do not see anything to sign." This help article will attempt to help you diagnose that situation

The following are things to check:

1) The guardian never created a password. This is the number one reason for not being able to sign. Typically they won't say they forgot to create an account rather that they don't see things to sign. They might also say "It won't let me in". When you send an invitation for an individual to create their password or join your company they have 24 hours to click on the email link. If they don't do that within that time frame a message will display that it has been longer than 24 hours. Honest people will tell you to send again but the majority will say "I couldn't click on the link".

You can tell if they have set their password up very simply. Navigate to their profile and look at the "Current Login Email Field". If it is blank, bam, you now know why they can't login. Send a new invite and remind them they need to do this right away.

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2) This individual has more than one role. If you have a guardian who is also a provider they are not likely switched over to the guardian role. They need to be instructed to switch roles. To do so click on the three vertical dots at top right and select the guardian role.

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3) They are not clicking on the "Portal" application. From time to time you'll find people might not know what a Portal is. They will click everywhere else but the portal to see their claims that need to be signed.

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4) They are not allowed to sign their own timecard should they be a provider as well. This is by design and by default when assigning a guardian to a client the check box will NOT be checked. It is required that you receive a signed attestation indicating there is no one else to sign for them and they can do so. As such you'll need to check the "Can Sign Own Services" check box on the people-Guardian Assignments.

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5) Last but not least, they do not have a refresh of data due to many reasons. Those reason can be no internet, sharing phones with other providers/guardians, being logged in but being idle for some amount of time and entries have been made etc. Have them do a refresh data to contact the server for claims.

It is important to understand that if a guardian is following all these steps and still can not see your company then it is possible you have this individual as inactive. The clue to this is that they are with another company using Spokechoice and they can login with that company but when trying to switch to your company they can not see it or unable to switch to it. Immediately look to see if that identity has the role of guardian and they are active.

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