SpokeChoiceCost CentersSetting-Up Cost Centers

Setting-Up Cost Centers

Once you have added a new cost center and titled it what you would like to you will want to make sure you have a service code to use in that cost center, add employees to the cost center that need to bill against it, lastly add the pay rate to those employees for the associated code


Navigate to Back Office-Home Care. If you had an ADMIN or SICK TIME code already in you can continue to use that one. Please check that it will be compatible with a cost center

Select Edit pencil on the service code

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Do NOT check the 'output claim' and make sure the box stating 'authorization required' is NOT checked

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If you would like to add a new service code select + new in the upper right hand corner

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Input the Display Code


Check for it to output to Payroll if sick time choose Sick Time Code


navigate to People Manager- $ Center-Choose the Employee Assignment Tab

Select from the drop down which cost center you want to add someone to

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once selected choose +New to add a new Employee

Select the employee from the drop down

Select a service code associated to this cost center

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choose add, your employee has this cost center visible on their time card


Ensure that the service code that you linked to the employee, has a pay rate on it

Navigate to Payroll- Employee Pay Rate Tab

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pull up the employee. choose +new. select the service code from the drop down. add in a rate.

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When on the employees time card, along with their clients, they will have a drop down for the Cost Center that you added


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You can make an entry on their time card against this cost center

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