SpokeChoicePayrollSetting up SpokeChoice with Worktrend

Setting up SpokeChoice with Worktrend

After employees are added to Worktrend (iSolved) you must add the employee ID into the SpokeChoice employee payroll identifier.

This is used during the export and interface when connecting to the iSolved database. The employee id is used to both export payroll as well as refresh/add employee information from iSolved.

WARNING: If you do NOT add the payroll identifiers and then synchronize the interface to load new employee information from iSolved you will get duplicate employees. To delete these identities we charge a minimum of 350.00 to delete employees due to the complexity of all the features within the system.

To add the payroll identifier first get a list of names and iSolved (Worktrend) employee Identifiers.

Next navigate to people-people manager and search for each employee and select the edit employee fields button

Next enter the iSolved (Worktrend) employee ID into the Payroll Identifier text box

Then hit update.

Continue this for ALL employees. Do NOT miss anyone.

Note: When exporting your payroll if you find that the excel output contains one or two names and not your payroll as you would have expected, this means you missed some. Go back to this step and check.