SpokeChoicePayrollOutput payroll

Output payroll

You can output your payroll file to excel or one of our iSolved Partners.

To do so you will need to first lock your payroll.

Go to the payroll application and hit the lock payroll button.

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Select the end date for your payroll period.

Note: SpokeChoice doesn't have a starting date for payroll. This is to allow you to enter time events outside of the current payroll period but for the actual time the services were rendered.

Once you have selected the end date hit the show Payroll button.

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You can now see your payroll for this ending period.

Note: If you have any output errors  you will only have one or two employees in the file instead of all employees. This is an error..

You can export to excel by hitting the excel export button or to an iSolved partner by hitting the iSolved Export button.

The file will download to your browser when it is complete.