Therapy Reports

Under the Progress Manager app, you will find the Reports drawer that allows you to create and share progress reports. This topic describes how to use this interface to create Therapy Reports.

Therapy Reports are only applicable to therapy clients described below.

Client Setup

Before a therapy report can be created for a client they must have the following information setup by editing the Client Fields in People Manager - People - Client:

  1. Plan of care (POC) - These dates should be updated once a year.
  2. Diagnosis 1

The optional client fields that can appear in the report:

  1. Coordinator
  2. Doctor Name
  3. Responsible Person
  4. Responsible Phone

The interface only works with clients that have S.O.A.P. type Functional Objectives setup in Progress Manager - Setup - Functional Objectives.

Therapist Setup

The therapist must have a License Type in the Employee Fields found in People Manager - People - Employee.

Creating Therapy Reports That Are Due

Therapy Reports are due every 90 days from the start of the client's plan of care start date (CPOC Date). SpokeChoice automatically determines when reports are due only when there are visits & completed S.O.A.P. notes for the visit.

To view reports by each therapy client go to Progress Manager - Reports - Progress Reports. Select the Report Type Therapy in the upper-right side of the title bar.

Next click To Be Completed from the View list in the Filters box and press Search. When a Therapist role is using the tool, only their assigned clients (with S.O.A.P. function objectives) will be displayed. For Admin type roles, all clients (with S.O.A.P. function objectives) are displayed. The display is shown below.

The above view shows reports that are not needed (green circle), needed (red pencil), complete (green check) in each of the 4 quarter end dates starting from the CPOC Start Date.

Note: When Not Set is shown in the CPOC Start Date column, this indicates that the client is missing the CPOC Start Date described above.

To create a needed report, click on a red pencil. This will open the Therapy Report form with initial data obtained from the database. Fill in the appropriate data and click Sign & Save to save the report data. This does not create the actual report file, rather the report data you enter is saved to the database. See Output Therapy Reports below for information on how to generate the output file.

To edit a report, click on the green check.

Note: If the report is generated by a Therapist Assistant, the Therapist must still sign the report as described next.

Signing Therapy Reports

If a Therapist Assistant created the therapy report data, it must then be signed by a Licensed Therapist. To view reports that you as a Therapist must sign, go to Progress Manager - Reports - Progress Reports. Select the Report Type Therapy in the upper-right side of the title bar.

Next select To Be Signed from the View list in the Filters box, enter a start/end date and optionally select a client and then press Search.

Reports that need to be signed are displayed in a grid. Click on the pencil icon to edit the report and click Sign & Save to sign and save the report data. The report will be removed from the grid.

Viewing Completed Reports

You may view previously completed and signed reports by selecting the Completed view and edit as described above.

Submitting Therapy Reports to DDD

Completed and signed reports can be automatically submitted to DDD using the following process.

Select To Be Submitted from the View list in the Filters box, enter a start/end date and optionally select a client and then press Search.

Reports that have not yet been submitted to DDD are displayed in a grid. You may submit all reports in the grid by checking Submit All in the Filters box. If this option is unchecked, you may select 1 or more reports to submit.

Once you have selected the reports to submit, click the Share button and set options as shown below.

Since reports are individually formatted, saved to PDF, and sent to DDD, the process is performed in on the server as a background job. When the job is complete (all reports submitted), an email will be sent to the address provided indicating the outcome of the job. You will be notified when the job starts at which point the job progress control will be displayed as shown below.

When the job is complete, this control will be hidden after displaying a short message.

To cancel the job at any point, click the red circle and confirm canceling. This will cancel any reports that have not yet been submitted.

Note: You may continue working without stopping the job. This includes, signing out of the site, going to other pages, etc.

Note: You may not start another submit job until the current job is finished.

Output Therapy Reports

The report data created by the processes described can be formatted to a PDF file and downloaded using the Share button.

See SpokeChoice Share Feature on information on how to download a formatted PDF file with the selected report data.