SpokeChoiceRevision Notes1.4.38 December 15, 2022

1.4.38 December 15, 2022

  1. Custom form fields did not show up where they were placed. If this happened to your forms, please edit them and reposition your custom fields again. After updating the form, the fields will stay where you place them.
  2. Added checks to the Sandata interface to prevent errors.
  3. Back Office>Settings changes
    1. “Allow provider to use Forgot Clock In/Out.” – Changed default to NO since providers are not allowed to create their own forgot visits.
    2. Added “Allow provider to use Request Visit Change.” – Default is NO since providers are not allowed to change their visits.
    3. Added “Allow therapist & assistants to use Request Visit Change.” – Default is YES since therapists & assistants do not require EVV and are able to edit their own visits.
  4. Added variable to backoffice to indicate the amount of hours needed to consider a forgot-logout for centers or group homes.
  5. Live-in Reason code is added to Sandata visit automatically if marked as live-in on client/provider page. (eliminates visit maintenance for admins)
  6. Member preference added as reason code.
  7. Removed Other as reason code.