SpokeChoicePeople ManagerChanging User Log-In

Changing User Log-In

Should you need to change your user's log in you can do so with the following steps

Locate the users account. People Manager- People. Select if it is an Employee or Guardian. Find the user

Type the new email into the New Email line

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Choose the Save Profile Icon in the upper right hand corner

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you will receive a notice that the email is not changed until the password link has been sent and the user accesses the new link

Choose OK

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You now have the icon 'Change Email' Next to the New Email Line. Select that to send the link to your user.

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If the user does not have another Spokechoice company with that email log in their email invite will simply ask them to input their phone number and then their new password 2 times


If the user does have another company with the email and they are attempting to SYNC their accounts to have ONE log in they will be prompted to give the phone number and password that is already associated to that account.

Once logged in the can 'toggle' between their different roles or companies by selecting the 3 vertical dots in the upper right hand corner and change company or role

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