SpokeChoiceAuthorizationsAdding a Manual Authorization

Adding a Manual Authorization

Authorizations must be added for any billing code that requires them. Some payers are automatically loaded from their sources, such as Arizona DDD. Many payers do not have an automated way of delivering authorizations so you must add them manually. Sometimes it is necessary to override any automatically loaded authorizations because the payer is not on top of given authorizations or has given a manual "ok".

As such you will need to add a manual Authorization:

PLEASE NOTE: If you add manual authorizations and SpokeChoice is automatically loading them from a payer for you, IT WILL NOT OVERRIDE manual authorizations. They must ALWAYS be deleted in order for any new automatic auths to be loaded for you.

To add navigate to Home care-Health Plans and choose the client Authorizations Tab

SpokeChoice - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge

Chose the client and the payer and then hit the "New Manual" button

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Select the billing Code which this authorization will be for. Select the from and to date and adjust the allowed hours/units. Hit the add button when you are done.