SpokeChoiceDocument VaultFree-Form Documents

Free-Form Documents

Free-Form Documents allow the user, including Therapists, to create their own personalized documents. Within the system provided templates the user can select from a variety of Item types to use on a form/document. These range from simple paragraph items to complicated test scores used during Evaluations. The user or administrator can create personal or company templates.

To get started the company Administrator must create a "Document Type" that will be used to store all documents created by the user. For example you might want to create an "Evaluation" Document Type that will be chosen when a Therapist creates a Free-Form document. You would indicate that this document Type is of the Free-form type and there associate how must have and who can create/view. Click here to learn how to create a document Type

Users can choose between their own saved templates, The companies saved template and also the system delivered Templates. To create a company Template select Backoffice - Document Vault and choose the FreeForm Template Setup.

Start by clicking the Green + sign on the palette. There you will be presented with a variety of Items you can use for your company template.

The items are categorized to make it easier to select and find the exact type(s) you need.

Once you have finished installing the items that will be used on your standard company Templates choose the "create template" button. This will ask you for a name to make it simple finding the right template you want your users to use. For example: you could create a Speech Evaluation Template that is used to be consistent across the company.

When the user first starts to create a new document using the Free-form editor they can now use your company generated templates or in the same fashion create their own templates. Additionally, they can always start with a blank template and add each item as they so choose. The templates are only there as a starting point when creating a document

System Templates

Using the System Template will automatically insert a variety of pre-programmed items to start the report. For example: Selecting the Speech Evaluation template and hitting the "use Template" button will insert all the system items automatically


To create a document the user starts from the Document Vault and chooses New.  They will choose the Document Type (Evaluation if you created such) and be presented with the templates to choose. Using a selected template will ready the document to be filled out.

Note: During the creation if they wish to add other items to take data they can do so by hitting the green plus sign and choosing from the available system items. If you do not see an item you wish to use please let us know and we can add others with your emailed suggestions.

Once they have filled out all appropriate areas on the document they will see the Green button "create" at type highlight.

Note: Some forms might require fields like signatures and only after filling them out will the green button be highlighted.

At any time the print button can be selected and a formatted PDF will be downloaded with all items and data entered.