SpokeChoiceReportsSetting up OLCR

Setting up OLCR

OLCR is an Arizona DDD specific file used to update FOCUS with employee information.

There is setup required in order to both store and output this file. You must have information in certain employee fields and have created both expiration types and document types.

This tutorial will walk you through the requirements.

You must create the following expiration fields by going to backoffice-company Options-expiration types

     Central Registry Date

      Article Nine Expiration

      CPR Expiration

      First Aid Expiration

      Prevention and Support Expiration

      Drivers License Expiration

      Auto Registration Expiration

      Auto Insurance Expiration

You must also create two particular document types by going to backoffice-document vault and creating a document type called Central Registry Check and Criminal History. The Central Registry document type does not need a hardcopy pdf upload rather you should create a form and place a check box on it to indicate it was done. To do this you must edit the form in the document type and drag a check box on to the form. It MUST have requires effective date checked. It is here you will add the date you checked central Registry for the provider by add a document for each employee. If the employee does not have a central registry check document no check date will be pulled on the report. The Criminal History document type will be a PDF hardcopy and you must indicate date taken. This field will be used when running the OLCR report instead of trying to deduct 3 or 1 year from the expiration.

If you do not have these items the OLCR report will error and tell you.

The following employee fields must have data in them or be checked.

Finger Print Application Number or Finger Print Card Number

Job Code

Hire Date

Number of References

Application or Resume

Approved Driver

OLCR Site I D (if applicable)

Social Security Number

Uses own vehicle

Provider home (if does services at own home)

Payroll Type

Additional fields

For IRExemption please indicate on provider assignments choose Family Member Code (if applicable)

For orientation Date please add the orientation for a client/provider on the provider assignments page.


Once you have all the fields created and filled in you can add the OLCR report to your profile. To learn how to do that what the video under the learning center "creating Custom reports".

After you have inserted the OLCR report module you can run it from the reports application.

To output the file export to excel. You will likely need to copy/paste into DDD excel template as they have macros or some other artifact within their template that is particular and not obvious to us.