SpokeChoiceCustomizing FormsAdding Fields to Forms

Adding Fields to Forms

SpokeChoice is unique to the healthcare industry by allowing the application to be edited by the end user. By allowing additional fields to existing or new forms you can customize what data you collect and report.

To add a field we will explain an example to add "hair color" to the employee fields form.

Click on the Backoffice application and then select the My Forms drawer.


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Select the pencil on the employee Fields Form

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This will bring open the Employee Fields form so that you can edit it. On the left is a list of items that you can drop on to the form from the toolbox. Dropping a item will allow you to capture data. For this example we will add a drop down list. We want to add this so that we can present a list of hair colors to the user.

Start by left clicking and holding on the drop down list item while you drag it to the palette.

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Drop it on a green bar area somewhere on the palette to where it best make sense to have it. Note: You can drop section and Separator items to help break up items if the current ones do not make sense.

Once dropped you can now edit the drop down to add hair color. Select the Pencil on the newly created field.

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A dialog box will be presented to add choices.

Start by adding the color Blonde. To do so starting entering the choice name of Blonde. Leave the Choice ID as 0.


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Lets add more colors. Select the Plus (+) sign to add another choice. Type in Black

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Keep adding more until you are satisfied.

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When you are satisfied with your choices hit the save button.

Now we need to give this choice list a name. We shall call it Hair Color. In the properties windows top right find the field Label. Type in Hair Color

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We need to give this field a property Name so it can be used in the future by reports. Find the Custom Property Name and type in hairColor as one word.

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That's it! A Custom drop down for capturing Employee hair color is all done. Remember to hit the save at top right or all this would have been a great exercise but a disappointing day. :)

Test it out by going to people manager and opening the employee Fields.

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