Center Billing


The Home Care > Center Billing drawer is used to quickly perform scheduling and/or billing for IDLA/Group Homes/Centers (Centers). In these cases, you should use this app over Home Care >Timecards. Center Billing has been designed to enter 100s of claim-only entries (no payroll) per day for each Center and doing this in Home Care > Timecards will take too long.

Center Billing will create up to 3 claims per client per visit; the visit claim, a pickup claim, and a dropoff claim.


  1. IMPORTANT: Center Billing is only visible in the Home Care menu if you have one or more centers defined in People Manager > Centers > Centers and the Center Type is set to Center, Group Home, or IDLA.
  2. Center Billing may not be used to enter claims with associated payroll. Instead use Home Care > Timecards. If you need to know how to create a center click here

Center Billing provides a very flexible interface that will fit centers that

  • have someone that can clock clients in and out as they arrive,
  • or situations where it is not possible to use an electronic device to clock clients in and out,
  • or a combination of the above.

Center Billing works from a schedule. A schedule for each client may be created once by creating repeating or one-time events. Using repeating events significantly decreases the time to enter billing.

Billing is performed by loading the schedule for a specific day and then identifying which clients visited the Center and/or were picked up or dropped off at their home. It is also possible to add a non-scheduled claim.

Read the sections below to understand the scheduling and billing interfaces.


Scheduling serves 2 purposes; first, it saves time by allowing you to create repeating events one time. For example, a client may be scheduled to attend the Center Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of every week for the next 2 months. Second, billing claims are automatically derived from the schedule so you don't have to manually create claims for each day.


To schedule client visits:

  1. Select the Center and Date - If you are creating a repeating schedule, select the first day the visit will start.
  2. Click Load Schedule - This will read any existing scheduled visits for that day and setup the grid so you can add new events.
  3. To create a new schedule, click Schedule Client.
    1. Select the Client to schedule.
    2. If the schedule includes a visit to the center, select the Visit Service Code that will be used to create the claim.
    3. If the schedule includes transporting the client from their home to the Center, select the Pickup Service Codes that will be used to create the claim. Please refer to understanding transportation if you do not understand this
    4. If the schedule includes transporting the client from the Center to their home, select the Dropoff Service Code that will be used to create the claim. Please refer to understanding transportation if you do not understand this
    5. If the schedule includes transporting the client from and to the center add both pickup and dropoff. Please refer to understanding transportation if you do not understand this
  4. Enter the Start Time and End Time. Note: if the client does not arrive exactly at this time, you may set the actual Clock In/Out time during billing creation.
  5. Setup schedule repeating - Select the desired Repeat type and enter other prompted values.
  6. Save the entry by clicking on Add. NOTE: This only changes the schedule in the grid and does not save to the database.
  7. To save all changes made to the schedules in the grid.

Transportation should have all THREE values filled out. Each value should be a separate service code. You should have a service code for pickup only, drop off only and both pickup and drop off. This is because DDD requires you have special modifiers for each event. Please click here to learn about transportation for DDD.

To edit an existing schedule, click on the pencil icon on the row to edit. If the schedule is recurring, you will be prompted on how to edit it:

  1. Click Edit Series if you want to edit the recurring schedule for all days it is set to occur.
  2. Click Edit Appointment if you only want to change the schedule for the selected Date. In this case, a new schedule is created for the selected Date and the recurring appointment will skip the current date.
    This mode allows you to make a single change to a recurring schedule. Note that you may not reverse this action.

You may print a schedule for the selected Date by selecting the Center and Date and click the Export Schedule button. This generates an Excel spreadsheet that is designed to print out and then mark up to manually keep track of clients that visited the center. Later, this can be used to enter billing as described below.


Once you have clients scheduled to visit a center, you can create billing claims for each day.

To create/modify billing for a specific Center & Day:

  1. Select the Center and Date - If you are creating a repeating schedule, select the first day the visit will start.
  2. Click Load Billing - This will read any existing scheduled visits for that day and setup the grid so you can indicate which clients visited the center and/or were picked up and/or dropped off.
  3. Check the checkbox on the schedule row to indicate the client visited the center on the selected day.
  4. If the client did not arrive and/or depart the center at the scheduled time, select the correct clock in/out times.
    NOTE: This is only necessary when the scheduled start/end times should not be used on the claim.
  5. If the client was picked up and/or dropped off, check the appropriate box.
  6. If a client made an unscheduled visit to the center, click Add Manual Claim to create a one-time schedule.
  7. After all changes have been made, click Save Billing which will then create/update billing claims. Note that saving may take up to a minute.


  • The yellow background indicates boxes you have changed.
  • The Load Billing button loads the schedule and if any claims already exist for the schedule. This will be indicated by the Visited, Picked Up, Dropped Off check boxes being checked. To remove the claim, simply uncheck the box and select Save Billing.
  • You may also view/edit claims using the Home Care > Timecards drawer.