SpokeChoiceBillingSetting-Up Employee For Payroll Only

Setting-Up Employee For Payroll Only

There might be times you need to setup an employee for payroll only. Typically home services are a one to one service in that the service is billed equally to what the employee is paid. With Group homes, IDLA's or centers this is not the case but you still need to set the employee up for payroll so they can clock in.

Follow these instructions to accomplish this goal.

You'll want to the do the following steps. If you have already done one or more of these skip those.

1. Enter the employee. Click Here

2. Create a service code that is "payroll" only. Click Here Note: Make sure it is payroll only or the employee can't clock in.

3. Create a center/Group Home/IDLA or cost center. (Cost center is like a accounting category or item and is used to account for the paying of the employee. Click Here

4. Add the employee to the center/group home and assign a service code. Click Here

5. Add payroll rate to the employee for the payroll only service code. Click Here