SpokeChoiceBillingSystem Modifiers

System Modifiers

SpokeChoice will automatically add Modifiers for DDD/Wellsky and should NOT be added by the admin to the billing code Modifiers.

Those modifiers added automatically are

UN and UP - These modifiers are added when their is a tier Ratio of 2 or 3. This is when two or three members are served by one provider. When you create your billing code indicate the Tier Ratio for the number of members to be served by one provider.

U7 - This modifier is for Agency of choice. When you are billing Habilitation, Respite or House keeping the system will look on the provider / client assignment to see if the provider is a family member doing the service. If so the U7 modifier will be added automatically.

All other modifiers required by the division should be entered on the billing code as instructed in the DDD documentation.