SpokeChoiceService CodesCreating Tiered services

Creating Tiered services

DDD requires that if you deliver services to two clients with one provider to have a specific modier. In addition you must ensure that you bill both clients at exactly the same time and at a specific service rate.

You must do the following things:

1) Create a service code that indicates the billing code is a "tiered ratio" and indicate the actual ratio.

2) Add a specific billing rate to the new service code and also add a payroll rate for the provider so they can see the newly created service code.  You should enter the payroll rate as half or one third (depending on ratio) to their normal rate. This is because SpokeChoice will calculating it properly during payroll output for both their hourly rate and the amount of hours. For example. If you normally paid 14.00 / hour and you created a service code with a ratio of 2 then you would enter their payroll rate as 7.00 / hour for that newly created service code.

Follow the instructions to indicate the tiered ratio

Create a service code.


Add the billing code appropriately

Enter a Tiered Ratio of 2

Make sure you use the correct "tiered ratio" rate for that code.