SpokeChoiceAuthorizationsUploading Past Payments (For New Agencies)

Uploading Past Payments (For New Agencies)

As a new agency you might be wondering why your authorizations do not match with proper balances. This is because SpokeChoice uses claims in the system to deduct from or add up total usage against allowed balances. This means that all claims prior to starting with SpokeChoice must be in the system for the period of the authorization (range) in order to total properly.

In order to accomplish this we must enter all your old claims. It is advised to go back one year from the time you start billing with SpokeChoice.

Note: This can not be done if you are not exclusively billing through SpokeChoice.

To accomplish this goal you must download all your old claims from FOCUS. To do so follow the instructions here in:

Login to FOCUS and go to PBS Reports

Next select Provider Billing Detail Report

Next Select Paid only claims and output to Excel

Select the file(s) from one year back and wait for the download.

Note: Rename the file for the given month. If you have multiple files for a month give it the month/year name along with a file number ie: 001, 002 etc.

Once you have downloaded all your files Zip them together and send them to SpokeChoice. We will then create a fake employee (because we won't know which employee, center or group home these were for) and upload them for you.

Keep in mind: These should only be FILES that have paid claims that are NOT already in SpokeChoice. If any of these claims that will be imported into SpokeChoice are already in they will be read in and duplicated possibly showing a reduced balance.