SpokeChoiceAuthorizationsViewing Authorizations

Viewing Authorizations

If a billing code requires authorizations you must add an authorization on to the clients profile for a given date range.

To view current authorizations go to home care-health plans and choose the client authorizations tab

Note: Some payers authorizations are available by downloading from their site, such as Arizona DDD. You can refresh those by hitting the "FOCUS Refresh" button.

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Select the client and the payer for which you wish to view authorizations

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You will see any authorizations that have been added along with current balances

Keep in mind that authorizations are viewed in Hours and not units. Often time you might be given 400 units and see it displayed as 100 hours. Also, keep in mind that the balance or remaining hours might be different from what the payer has paid. This is because Spokechoice shows you the remaining hours regardless if they are paid or not. You might find it helpful to go to freeform search under billing and look at the entire hours for a client based on the authorization period and service type. This will show you all claims paid or not to confirm why the system is showing a balance you might not agree with or that is different from what the payer shows.