SpokeChoiceCost CentersDifference Between Cost Center and Center

Difference Between Cost Center and Center

So what is the difference between cost center and center?

Both are created with the same function (people manager - centers)

Cost center is used to charge and enter employee items "only". For example, sick time, admin time, meetings etc. A center is a physical center where you can assign both employees and clients. You would use this in conjunction with a service code that has only one output, either payroll or claim(s) but never both. For example: You would assign a client to a center (perhaps called DTS Center) and then use a claim only service code to bill their services to a payer. You would assign employees to a center and they could use the clock in function of SpokeChoice to clock in to a center using a laptop or tablet at the front desk.

When you create a cost center check the box that indicates "clock in anywhere". This is a formality and no one will "actually" clock in but satisfies the application when creating just a cost center. Of course if this is an actual center you can decide should you want someone to clock in anywhere (not advisable) or only at the center via a certain IP Address. Note: To determine your IP Address go to google from that device and type "whats my ip address". Enter that address into the center you have created.