SpokeChoiceScheduling Provider Setting-Up a Schedule

Provider Setting-Up a Schedule

To add an appointment to your schedule, navigate to the Schedule Application.

Double Click the First date of the appointment you are attempting to schedule.

Once the Appointment box pops up, fill in all of the appointment details. The subject is what will be displayed on your calendar. Make sure to select the client the appointment is for.

You can select to repeat the appointment by day, week, month, or even year. To repeat the appointment Daily, you would select Daily from the Drop down on the bottom, and then enter 1 under "Repeat Every (Days)"

When you have finished editing the details of the appointment, you can select Add.


  1. A schedule may not be created in the past.
  2. A schedule may not be changed or deleted after it is scheduled to start. The schedule must be marked as a no-show.
  3. EVV Event Types require a Service Code to be performed. If multiple services should be required during the same visit, create a schedule for each service type.