SpokeChoiceCollaborationCollaboration Overview

Collaboration Overview

This topic contains a brief description of each feature in the Collaboration app.


Messages are app-to-app messages meaning messages sent from SpokeChoice to SpokeChoice.

In addition, certain SpokeChoice operations may send messages to users. For example, the output of Scheduled Tasks will generate messages for those who need to take action. In this case, the message contains an icon that the user can click on to navigate to the page to address the issue found such as adding a missing document etc.

Administrators may send Messages to any user that can sign-into SpokeChoice. This may include a single user or a group of users such as guardians that need to E-Sign time cards etc.

See: Working With Messages


Chat allows app-to-app communication.

See: Using Chat


The Notes feature provides a way to create a permanent record for an employee, client, or guardian.

See: Working With Notes

Scheduled Tasks

Every weekend, SpokeChoice can run tasks that you schedule to run. The tasks can perform operations such finding missing or expired documents, documents that need to be reviewed or signed.

See Scheduled Tasks for information on scheduling weekly tasks.

When a Task is run, it may create Messages to users that remind them to take action. Administrators may see the full list of items found by the Task using the Collaboration > Scheduled Tasks drawer. This interface will display all tasks that have not been addressed by users and the ability to remind the user again about the task.

See: Viewing All Outstanding Tasks


When any user signs-in to SpokeChoice, they may see a red bell icon over the Tool menu icon.

When the Tool menu is opened, another red icon adjacent to menu commands will indicate where new information is available.