SpokeChoiceTimecardsManaging & Using Tokens

Managing & Using Tokens

The EVV Token

Tokens (also known as FOBs) provide a unique 6-Digit Verification Code that represents a specific date & time. The Verification Code can only be decoded with the device Serial Number found on the back of the device. Once assigned to a client, a 6-Digit code captured by a DCW can later be used to verify the DCW was with the client at a specific time.

Press the Power Button to display a code. The code will only display for 30 seconds.

Deploying Tokens

The Serial Numbers for the tokens sent to you by SpokeChoice have been assigned to your company. Before a token can be used for a client, you must first assign the token to the client using Back Office > Home Care > Assign Tokens.

To assign a token, click on the edit icon and select the client the token will be assigned to. Select additional client names in the case where multiple clients reside at the same location.

Securing Tokens

EVV Rules dictate that the token must remain under client control at all times. Where practical, it is recommended that the token be secured to something in the client’s residence such as a door knob. Zip ties with serial numbers on them may be used to secure the token and later inspected to verify that the token was not removed. The Assign Token To Client form (shown above) allows you to optionally enter a zip tie serial number for your own records, this value is not used by SpokeChoice.

Instructions for the DCW

In the case where AutoVisit is not used, clock in/out times are recorded using the 6-Digit verification codes. A separate code must be recorded at the START and at the END of the visit.

The DCW must keep a timecard indicating the

  1. Service Date
  2. Client Name
  3. Clock In Time
  4. Clock In Verification Code
  5. Clock Out Time
  6. Clock Out Verification Code
  7. The Service Provided

Please note that all of the above information should be captured by the DCW. The information will be used by an administrator to enter the time. The Verification Code and Service Date is required to enter the time using the Verification Code. In the event that the DCW captured the time incorrectly, an manual time entry with exception can be entered using the other data captured.

To capture a Verification Code, press the Power Button at which point the display will show a 6-Digit code and horizontal bars to the left of the code. The bars indicate how much more time the code will be good for. A new code is created every 30 seconds even if the power button has not been pressed. There are 6 bars, each representing 5 seconds remaining until a new code will be generated.

If there are only a few bars left, it is recommended to wait until the display goes off and then press the Power Button right away to get a new code which should have a full set of bars. This process will ensure you have as much time as possible to copy the code.

Recording Visits

Once a DCW has turned in a timecard with the captured Verification Code & supporting data, an administrator can enter the time card entries into SpokeChoice.

Entries are added using Home Care > Timecards. Select the Employee and client as you would to create a manual entry. In the Data Entry box, select the Verification Codes entry type.

Select the client, enter the Service, Service Date, Start Code, and End Code then click the Verify Codes button.

The codes will be compared against the client's assigned token serial number. If valid, the summary of the visit will be displayed as shown below. Click the Add Entry button to add the entry.

Entries created by this method will be considered manual entries and can be modified as any other manual entry.