SpokeChoiceProgress Management Adding and Editing Goals (Progress Notes, Soap Notes)

Adding and Editing Goals (Progress Notes, Soap Notes)

This will explain how to add and edit goals, master goals and add/ edit Sub tasks

Navigate to Progress Management-Goals Tab

Locate the member you would like to input information for


Choose +New

1. Add a goal name, this is what will appear for the provider when inputting data.

2.  Input the goal Description as stated in the planning doc.

3. Choose the Goal Type. if you want this to show for habilitation clock in select Progress. If you are creating goals for SOAP notes select the appropriate objective type based on the license type of the therapist.

4. Add one or more Teaching Strategies to accomplish the goal. For example you might have a goal of hygiene. You could break all of that down as 1) Brush teeth, 2) Comb hair, 3)Bathing. Each "teaching strategy" would be how you are accomplishing the goal. Try not to have a teaching strategy that is the same as the goal...ie: Brushing teeth/Brushing teeth. Group same strategies or break a goal down in "steps" to accomplish it. For example maybe the goal is tying shoes. First the member must go get the shoes (one strategy). Next put them on etc. As each teaching strategy is accomplished you can move to the next strategy. This allows for "progress" to be measured and removes the guess work for uneducated individuals how to work with developmentally disabled individuals. At the same time allows a report to show some form of progress. Without such, its just a report that says you are working on the goal without any real sign of progress.


You never want to delete a goal or strategy that has data attached to it. if the member has mastered the goal OR has decided to discontinue the goal you will want to master it to remove it from the Service Plan

Choose the pencil, edit, icon next to the goal you wish to master



Check the box mastered and input a date


The goal will be removed from the list of goals the provider is shown.


If you want to edit a Teaching Strategies maybe due to a typo you can do this by locating it and selecting edit icon (pencil).


Mastering a teaching task

You can master a teaching task, such as stop at curb, by hitting the pencil Icon and opening the teaching task editor.

Select the mastered check box and hit add. This will master that particular Teaching Task so it is not present to the provider from that point forward. Again, Never attempt to delete a teaching task as it will have data behind it which reports need to show both progress along the treatment as well as graphs to show that progression.